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» » 53 Business Blog Post Ideas To Get More Customers

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Source : 53 Business Blog Post Ideas To Get More Customers
Published On : December 05, 2020 at 01:55PM
By : Ankit Singla

Is your business ready to build an online presence?

If you’re a business, great content will help you generate visitors to your website. More importantly, it will help convert those visitors into paying customers.

But if you want your content strategy to work, it must be fueled by great topic ideas

That’s why we’re here today. 

In this post, I’ll give you 53 business blog post ideas with matching title suggestions. 

Let’s dig right in. 

1. Intercept customers in the decision stage

You can write a post that promotes your product as a popular brand alternative. This is a great way to intercept purchase-ready customers who are already considering your competitor. 

Whatever you do, don’t spread false information and stick to the facts. The online audience’s trust is infinitely more valuable than a short-term spike in sales. 

Post title suggestions: 

  • [Your Product] versus [Popular Product]: Which One Should You Get?
  • Things [Your Product] Does Better than [Popular Product]
  • Is [Your Product] Better Than [Popular Product]?

2. Pairing products with a popular brand

If the product you’re selling can be paired with a popular product, teach readers how to do just that. Write a post that discusses how your product can enhance the results of customers who already purchased the popular product. 

Post title suggestions: 

  • Ways to Make the Most Out of [Popular Product]
  • How to Choose the Perfect [Your Product Type] for [Popular Product]
  • How to Use a [Your Product Type] for [Popular Product]

3. What your product does better

Sometimes, closing sales is just a matter of highlighting your product’s advantage over customers. Hammer that point home by creating an in-depth article that thoroughly explains what your product does better.

Post title suggestions: 

  • [Your Product]: More Than Just a [Product Type]
  • How to [Customer’s Goal] Faster with [Your Product]
  • Top X [Your Product] Features that Let You [Customer’s Goal] Easier

4. Teach your customers an essential skill

You know what they say – “people don’t want drills, they want holes.” Publishing content that teaches your audience how to accomplish an objective is a great way to build traffic. 

Post title suggestions: 

  • [Essential Skill] 101: [Customer Objective] for Beginners
  • A Beginner’s Ultimate Guide to [Customer Objective]
  • Want to [Customer Objective]? Here are Things You Can’t Miss

5. Buyer’s guides

If your business sells multiple products under various categories, you can write buyer’s guides to smoothen the purchasing process. This should include crucial information, like product specifications, alternatives, pricing details, ratings, and so on.

Post title suggestions: 

  • [Your Brand] Buyer’s Guide: Find the Perfect Piece of [Your Niche] Product for You
  • [Product Category] Buyer’s Guide for 20XX
  • [Product Category] Buyer’s Guide: Everything You Need to Know Before a Purchase

6. Industry trends

One way to position your brand as an authority in your niche is to talk about industry trends. In case you didn’t know, trends are a reliable source of blog post ideas that will keep your business relevant. 

Post title suggestions:

  • Trends in the [Your Niche] Industry You Should Look Out For
  • X [Your Niche] Trends to Watch Out for in 20XX
  • [Trend Name]: What Is It and Why Are People Going Crazy Over It?

7. Relevant news and events

If you can’t find any noteworthy trend to cover, perhaps you should report a one-time event instead.  

Just try to be as impartial as possible and never pick sides when reporting. You don’t want to alienate anyone – not even a single web visitor. 

Post title suggestions:

  • What Happened in the [Event Name]Things You Should Know
  • Takeaways from the [Event Name] Event
  • What We Learned About the [Event Name]

8. Industry myths

Talking about industry myths is a great way to show your potential customers that you know your stuff. This will help establish your credibility as an information source. 

Post title suggestions: 

  • X [Your Industry] Myths Busted
  • Real or Fake? Things You Thought You Knew About [Product]
  • Top Myths About [Product Category] You Thought Were Real

9. Common mistakes

While myths are perceived as true by some people, a common mistake is something that everyone avoids. However, some people still need to read about them from a source they trust. 

Post titles: 

  • Things You’re Doing Wrong with [Product]
  • Here are the Top Mistakes People Make with [Product Category]
  • Pitfalls You Should Avoid When [Customer Objective]

10. Case study

Sharing facts with your audience is one thing. Proving a theory or idea by putting it to the test is a whole new ballgame.  

Publishing a case study will definitely build your authority in your niche. Additionally, it will help you earn natural backlinks that will improve your search engine rankings.

Post title suggestions:

  • [Niche or Customer Objective] Case Study: How I [Objective Completed] with [Product Name]
  • This Tool Helped Me [Objective Completed] in Days: A Case Study
  • Does the [Product Name] Really Work? Find Out in This Case Study

11. “How to” guides

There’s always room for a well-written “how to” guide in business blogs. Just write a step-by-step guide that discreetly promotes your product as the best way to save time while maximizing results. 

Post title suggestions: 

  • How to [Customer Objective] and Tools That Can Help You
  • How to Use [Product Type] Like A Pro
  • How to [Customer Objective] in Easy Steps

12. Budget options 

You can help your budget-conscious audience make a purchase decision by writing about cheaper alternatives. Naturally, you should try to focus on products you sell yourself. 

Post title suggestions:

  • Cheap Alternatives to [Product] You Should Know About
  • Pinching Pennies? Here are the Top Cheap [Product Type] Options You Can Buy Right Now
  • These [Product Type] Products will Help You Save [Savings Estimate] 

13. Save money buying a certain product type

Helping customers save money doesn’t always have to be about cheaper product alternatives. In some cases, it’s better to give them advice on how they should make their purchase decisions.

Post title suggestions:

  • Looking to Buy An [Product]? Ask Yourself These Questions First
  • Tips that Will Save You Money on Your Next [Product Type] Purchase
  • How to Find the Best Deal for a [Product Type] Online

14. Underground brands

Covering underground brands on your blog shows that you’re not a run-of-the-mill player in your niche. It proves that you’re truly “in touch” with your market, especially in the eyes of aficionados. 

Post title suggestions:

  • Underground [Industry] Brands that Deserve Your Attention
  • Reviewing Underground [Industry] Brands You Can Buy Today
  • The Top Products from Underground Brands

15. “Out of the box” uses for your product

Exploring fun and unique unintended uses for your product will help maximize its perceived value. You can get ideas by running a survey or by looking at social media posts that contain your product. 

Post title suggestions:

  • Social Media Users are Having Fun with the [Product] and Not for the Reasons You Think!
  • Cool Uses for Your Brand New [Product]
  • Ways to Make the Most Out of Your [Product]Hacks You Can Try Today

16. Weekly roundup of important events and posts

Publishing a weekly roundup of the most important events makes sure you publish at least one post every seven days. This will give people who don’t constantly follow your blog a chance to catch up.

Post title suggestions:

  • [Your Brand] Weekly Roundup: Things You Don’t Want to Miss 
  • Weekly Roundup [Day] Edition: The Biggest News This Week
  • Top Things That Happened This Week

17. Customer success stories 

There’s nothing more convincing than an elaborate, true-to-life customer success story.

In some cases, customers willingly send you success stories via email out of pure gratitude. If you don’t get anything like that, reach out to your repeat customers and incentivize it with a special offer.

Post title suggestions:

  • [Customer Quote]”: A Customer Success Story By [Customer Name]
  • [Your Brand] Success Stories: How [Customer Name] Conquered the Odds and [Customer Goal]
  • How This [Customer Occupation] from [Customer Location] Changed His Life with [Your Product]

18. Expert interview

Publishing interview posts with experts will show your customers how connected you are in your sphere. Other than that, you’ll also get free exposure once the expert shares about your interview with their audience.

Post title suggestions:

  • We Interviewed [Expert Name] on [Topic]: Here Are The Takeaways
  • [Expert Quote]”: [Expert Name] Hot Takes on [Product Category] 
  • Things We Learned from our Interview of [Expert Name]

19. Expert roundup

An expert roundup has the same benefits as an expert interview. But instead of just one expert, you can have multiple experts talking about your brand on social media. 

Post title suggestions:

  • Experts Share Their Insights on [Topic]
  • We Asked Experts About Their Thoughts on [Topic]: Here’s What They Said
  • What Experts Are Saying About The [Topic]

20. Your brand’s backstory

Any backstory is a good backstory as long as it’s true and focuses on the people behind your brand. Go as way back as the time you came up with the idea for your business. 

Post title suggestions:

  • Our Story: [Your Brand]
  • Brand Backstory: How [Your Brand] Came to Be
  • Our Backstory: How X [Founders’ Previous Occupation] From [Place of Origin] Built a [Business Description]

21. The people behind your brand

Other than your business’s founders, consider talking about other members of your staff on your blog. Doing so gives your company human faces that your audience can relate to on a more personal level.  

Post title suggestions:

  • Staff Profile: How [Employee Name] Spends His Day Serving You
  • Meet Our Staff: Get To Know the People Behind [Your Brand]
  • A Look Inside Our Company’s [Department]: Meet the People Running the Show

22. Your company culture

You can also talk about certain aspects of your company culture that gives it its own identity. It can be about a unique workplace policy, how your staff spends lunch times, and so on.

Post title suggestions:

  • This is How the [Your Brand] Family Celebrates the [Holiday] 
  • Behind the Scenes: A Lunch With the [Your Brand] Staff
  • We Put a [Gadget or Appliance] at the Office: Here’s How Our Staff Reacted

23. Introduce a new team member

For a startup, having new team members on board is a momentous event. Share this moment with your audience so they get the sense of witnessing and being part of your company’s growth.

Post title suggestions:

  • Give a Warm Welcome to [Team Member Name]: The Newest Member of the [Your Brand] Family
  • Meet [Team Member Name]: Our Newest [Member Role] at [Your Brand]
  • Things You Should Know About [Team Member Name]: Our Newest [Member Role]

24. A personal story where you learned an important life lesson

The online audience always appreciates stories where they can pick up valuable life lessons. Sharing some on your blog will also help your audience understand your company’s certain business philosophies. 

Post title suggestions:

  • It Wasn’t Easy: What We Learned During the [Life Event]
  • The Day of the [Life Event]: What Founder [Founder Name] Did
  • How [Life Event] Taught Us How to [Lesson]

25. Your company event

If you want to make your audience feel closer to your company, let them be part of company events. You can do this by sharing key details of events loaded with photos and video clips featuring your employees. 

Post title suggestions:

  • Happy [Holiday]! Greetings from the [Your Brand] Family
  • An Exclusive Peek at the [Your Brand] [Event Name] Event
  • [Your Brand] [Event Name] 20XX: This Is How We Party!

26. A customer problem

Of course, a blog should be filled with educational content that will prepare readers to make a solid purchase decision. A good strategy is to write about common customer problems and share the best courses of action to solve them. 

Post title suggestions:

  • What to Do If Your [Product] Starts [Known Product Behavior]?
  • Things You Should Try If You Start Experiencing [Known Problem] 
  • Getting [Known Product Behavior]? Here’s How to Fix It

27. Influencers in your niche

You can create a list of the top influencers in your niche or just write an article featuring one of them. Either way, it results in something that will pique your audience’s interest while encouraging influencers to share your post.

Post title suggestions:

  • Top X [Your Niche] Influencers You Should Follow
  • Watch This Influencer [Influencer Activity] Using the [Product]
  • Here are Influencers Changing the [Product Category] Game 

28. Coverage of your products by other publications

If your products are featured by another publication or brand on their blog, tell your audience about it. Just write something short and simple that highlights the nice things other brands say about you.

Post title suggestions:

  • We Got Featured in [Publication Name]! Here’s What They Had to Say
  • Look Here: What the [Publication Name] Thinks About the [Your Product] 
  • Times the [Your Product] Got Featured by a Publication

29. Non-competitor product reviews

In some niches, reviewing other products on your blog makes sense if they improve the experience and results of customers. See it as a way to improve the value of your product by showing how it works with other products.

Post title suggestions:

  • Reviewing the Top X [Product Type] to Use with Your Brand New [Your Product]
  • [Product Name] Review: Is it the Best [Product Type] for Your [Your Product]?
  • Our [Product Name] Review: Pros, Cons, and Why You Should Get One

30. Stats in your industry

Compiling statistics regarding your niche won’t only show your audience that you’re up to speed with the latest industry trends. It will also help you generate natural backlinks from other websites.

Post title suggestions:

  • X [Your Niche] Statistics You Should Know About (Updated for 20XX)
  • X [Your Niche] Statistics that will Blow Your Mind
  • State of the [Your Niche] Industry: Key Statistics from 20XX

31. How your staff uses your own products

Did one of your staff discover a cool new way to use your product? If so, spread the word on your blog and let it become a trend. 

Post title suggestions:

  • You’re Using the [Your Product] Wrong: Check Out How One of Our Staffers Uses It!
  • One of Our Staffers Apparently Tried [Activity] using the [Your Product]: The Results Were Surprising
  • Here’s How One of Our Staffers Make Full Use of the [Your Product]

32. Inspirational stuff

You can’t have too much inspirational posts floating around on social media. If you happen to have inspiring bits of wisdom, show your audience that you care by blogging about it.

Post title suggestions:

  • Things I Learned as a [Your Previous Profession]
  • This Young Man Spends His Time Helping [Receiving Party]
  • This is the Most Inspiring Thing I’ve Seen All Week

33. Come up with your own awards 

A lot of brands come up with their own awards like “funniest,” “most photogenic,” and “most creative.” You can give these awards to random internet people, products, or other companies that deserve them. 

It’s up to you to decide whether or not award winners should receive a reward. 

Post title suggestions: 

  • Editor’s Picks: Most Creative Facebook Posts from Our Customers
  • The [Your Brand] Most Photogenic Pet Award Goes to [Winner]
  • Funniest Video of the Week: The [Your Brand] Award Goes to This [Winner] from [Location]

34. Host a contest

Hosting contests is just a win-win across the board. It gives people a fun opportunity to win something for free while giving companies a chance to get noticed. 

Post title suggestions: 

  • Want to Win a [Your Product] for Free? Contest Details Inside
  • Here’s How You Can Win a Brand New [Your Product] this [Month]
  • How to Join the [Your Brand] Social Media Contest for a Chance to Win a [Your Product]

35. Places to buy

If applicable, you can talk about the establishments where people can buy your products. Give appropriate recommendations by targeting local keywords.

Post title suggestions:

  • Places Where You Can Get the [Your Product] Today
  • Where Can I Buy The [Your Product]?
  • Top Stores to Buy The [Your Product] in [Country]

36. Books that you recommend

There are plenty of young CEOs who got their inspiration to start a business from a book. You can talk about those books on your company blog or just create a list of must-reads for your audience.

Post title suggestions:

  • Books that Helped Me Through the Challenges of Being a Millennial Entrepreneur
  • Ranking Our Favorite X [Your Niche] Books of All Time
  • [Book Title] Review: Why We Think You Should Give it a Good Read

37. Run a poll and publish the results

Is your market divided over an important topic? Are you just curious about what your audience thinks about certain issues? 

Whatever it is, you can run a poll about it and publish the results. Knowing that it’s the collective voice of consumers is enough to draw in more readers.

Post title suggestions:

  • We Asked Our Customers [The Question]: Here’s What They Said
  • [Option 1] or [Option 2]? We Asked Regular Customers to Find Out
  • [The Question]?” Find Out What Customer Said

38. Write seasonal posts

There are plenty of products that can relate to seasonal topics. If that includes yours, publish a seasonal blog post that discusses how customers can use your product that season.

Post title suggestions: 

  • X [Season] Uses You Can Try with the [Your Product]
  • Wondering How to Use [Your Product] This [Season]? Let Us Show You Some Ideas
  • Ways Our Customers Have Been Using [Your Product] This [Season]

39. Feature customer feedback

If you regularly receive positive feedback from customers, you have every right to brag about it on your blog. You can encourage more customers to write their feedback by automating a review request email after every purchase. 

Post title suggestions:

  • Not Sure Whether to Get [Your Product]? Check Out What Our Customers Are Saying
  • [Quote from Feedback]”: Learn How [Your Product] Can Help You [Your Goal] Today
  • We Asked Our Customers What They Think About [Your Product]: Here’s What They Said

40. An open letter of appreciation to your audience

Publishing an open letter where you express your heartfelt gratitude to your audience is a good look for your brand. Just don’t make it a regular thing, otherwise it would diminish the significance of your letter.

You can also publish open letters when you’re celebrating a special occasion, like your birthday or your company’s anniversary. 

Post title suggestions:

  • An Open Letter to Our Customers
  • Celebrating Our Years Together: A Word from Our Staff to Our Customers
  • Our Years Together: What It Means to Us Having You Here

41. An open letter explaining your stance on something

Of course, you can create an open letter with the intention to share your appeal or criticism of something. Be sure you’re tackling a topic you’re directly impacted by – not something that doesn’t affect your business in any way.

Post title suggestions:

  • An Open Letter to [Person or Organization]: What We Think About the Recent [Event]
  • An Open Letter to [Group of People] Amidst the [Specific Situation]
  • Explaining Our Side: An Open Letter to Address the [Situation] Situation

42. Press releases

A press release is a short article addressed to the media for the purpose of sharing important announcements and statements. It should focus on a single topic only, be it a product launch, event, mergers, grand openings, and so on.

Post title suggestions:

  • Announcing Our Latest [Announcement]Things We’re Excited to Show You
  • Everything You Need to Know About Our [Announcement]
  • [Your Company] Officially Opens [Location] Store: Come Visit Us Today!

43. Employee takeovers

Employee takeovers often occur when you hand employees the keys to your official social media accounts. You can also have some of your staff work on a feature post that focuses on whatever they want. 

Post title suggestions: 

  • [Let Employees Decide]

44. Product comparisons

Creating product comparisons is a surefire way to connect with people who are close to making a purchase decision. You don’t always have to go head-to-head with the biggest brands in your niche to create something interesting.

Post title suggestions:

  • Clash of the Titans: Is the [Your Product] Better Than the [Competitor’s Product]?
  • Comparing the Best [Product Category] in 20XX
  • [Product 1] versus [Product 2]: Which One Should You Choose?

45. Talk about charity

Does your business support a charity or humanitarian movement? Talk about them on your blog to connect with customers who care about the same issues.

Post title suggestions:

  • This Non-Profit Organization is Donating [Donations] to [Recipients]: Here’s How You Can Help
  • We’re Currently Accepting Donations for the Victims of [Natural Disaster]
  • Join Our Mission to Provide [Goal] by [Donation Ideas]

46. Run a fun experiment 

You can have fun little experiments that don’t necessarily have to do with your products. For example, you can require all employees to take scheduled power naps and document its effects on productivity. 

Post title suggestions:

  • We Allowed Employees to [Experiment Activity] for a Week: Here’s What Happened
  • We Left [Experiment Item] in the Store for a Day: Here’s How People Reacted
  • This is What Happens if You [Experiment Activity] with Customers

47. Popular questions 

AnswerThePublic can supply you with truckloads of blog topic ideas from a single keyword. It works by scraping the top questions asked by your target audience, which you can answer through a blog post.

Post title suggestions:

  • Is [Your Product] Healthy?
  • Why [Your Product] is the Best?
  • Is [Your Product] Vegan?

48. Tools and other resources

In niches like design and programming, it makes sense to teach your audience about software tools and other resources. You can write about them to create a bunch of loyal brand followers who’d look to you for advice.

Post title suggestions:

  • Tools that Will Make Your [Your Niche] Life Easier
  • Here are Blogs You Should Read if You’re Serious About
  • Tools Every [Your Niche] Enthusiast Needs

49. Compare your business to something popular but unrelated

A lot of companies compare their industry with something totally unrelated, but very relatable to most people. For example, cooking can be like riding the bus – you need patience and a clear destination.

Just think of something common and come up with ways it’s similar to your business.

Post title suggestions:

  • What [Common Activity] Can Teach You About [Your Niche]
  • Ways [Your Niche] Is Similar to [Common Activity] 
  • What Does [Your Niche] and [Common Activity] Have in Common? 

50. Rant

Ever want to share a bit of bad news from the industry with your audience? You can always rant about it on your blog, which will give more personality to your report.

Post title suggestions:

  • What You Ought to Know About the [Bad News] (We Share Your Frustration)
  • Things We Learned About Our Disappointment with the [Bad News] Situation
  • Things Can’t Get Any Worse for the [Company] in the Recent [Bad News]

51. Document your failure

Every business makes bad decisions. If you recently experienced a failure, you can blog about it and share what you’ve learned with your readers. 

Post title suggestions:

  • We Tried (and Failed) to [Your Attempt]: Here’s What We Learned
  • What I Learned from My Recent Failure
  • Our Confession: We Failed to [Your Attempt], But We Learned Important Things

52. History lesson

If you have a lot of passionate readers, they’ll surely appreciate it if you can give them interesting history lessons. Talk about notable people, technological advancements, and events that helped shape your industry.  

Post title suggestions:

  • History Lesson: How [Historical Person] Changed the [Your Niche] Industry Forever
  • Why the Invention of the [Technological Advancement] is the Most Important Innovation in [Your Niche]
  • How the [Historical Event] Led to the Creation of [Product Category]

53. Unpopular opinion on the industry

Every person has an unpopular opinion. 

Just remember that, as a brand, you need to share your unpopular opinions in a professional and respectful manner. Otherwise, you may face some backlash on social media. 

Post title suggestions:

  • Unpopular Opinion: I Actually Like the [Something People Generally Hate]
  • Here’s Why We Think the [Something People Generally Love] is Overrated: An Unpopular Opinion 
  • The Best Unpopular Opinions We’ve Heard at The Office


Nice – you now have enough content ideas to last your business blog for weeks. 

Just a gentle reminder: try to slightly modify the post title suggestions before using them. Also, don’t forget to do proper keyword research before you start writing content.

Check out the links below for more posts that can help.

Like what you saw? Let me know what you think in the comments section below. 

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