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» » 21 Surefire Ways to Connect with Other Talented Bloggers

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Source : 21 Surefire Ways to Connect with Other Talented Bloggers
Published On : December 03, 2020 at 11:55PM
By : Ankit Singla

As a blogger, it’s perfectly acceptable to have that “lone wolf” mindset at first.

There’s a lot of work to be done before your blog really takes off. You need to do niche research, keyword research, blog setup – not to mention the heaps of content to create.

But once your blog is off the ground, you’ll need help to promote your brand far and wide.

In this post, I’ll talk about 21 simple ways to build mutually beneficial relationships with other bloggers. 

Let’s get this show on the road.

Why network with other bloggers?

There are tons of other blog promotion strategies you can do.

You can answer questions on Quora, share content on social media, launch an email marketing campaign, and so on.

This begs the question, what are the benefits of networking with other bloggers?

Allow me to break down the advantages of blogger networking real quick:

Benefits of Networking for Bloggers
  • Get long-term guest posting opportunities – Reaching out to other blogs may lead to guest blogging arrangements. That means you can submit posts to their website in exchange for links, which lead to higher rankings and traffic. 
  • Leverage another blog’s influence and reach – Making yourself known to other blogs in your industry will help you receive brand mentions. As a result, more people will recognize and trust your brand whenever they come across your content.
  • Share insights and tips – Fostering a positive relationship with another blogger can lead to informative discussions on key issues in your niche. You can talk about current trends, new marketing strategies, fresh content ideas, and more. 
  • Build collaborative content – Collaborative content is when two or more bloggers work together on a single project. A good example would be interview posts and case studies that readers from all over will want to read. 
  • Widen your social media reach – Blogger relationships can lead to conversations on social media that people can read. This will make you more discoverable to social media users, resulting in more website visitors and followers. 

Excited to make friends in your niche?

You should be.

Without further ado, let’s talk about the best blogger networking techniques you can do today.

1. Update your social media profiles

First things first, you need to establish a social media presence in order to get other bloggers’ attention. 

Every blogger should have their own social media accounts by now. If you do, be sure to mention your blog wherever it matters. 

Doing so can lead other bloggers and influencers to your website when they visit your profile.

For example, if you’re on Facebook, you can feature an image that contains a link to your website.

Facebook Ankit Singla Featured Photo

You can do this by selecting only that image as your featured photo. Just don’t forget to include a call-to-action and clickable link in the description.

For other social media accounts, place a link to your blog along with a CTA in your profile’s bio. This applies to Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter.

Pinterest Master Blogging Links

2. Follow other bloggers on social media

Following bloggers in your niche is the first step to getting connected.

It should only take a second to follow another blogger. 

The real challenge is finding bloggers who are actually worth following.

There are two very easy ways to find influential bloggers. 

First, you can use the built-in search engine and filter the results to “people” – if applicable. 

For example, if you’re looking for fitness bloggers, type in “fitness blogger” on Facebook search and switch to ‘People.’

Looking for People on Facebook

The second option is to run a Google search while injecting keywords like “top bloggers” or “best bloggers.” 

Using the same keyword as above, we can get the following results:

Best Fitness Bloggers on Google

Once you find a promising blog, check their homepage or “About” page for social media links. They should lead you directly to the blogger’s social media pages.

Here’s an example from the fitness blog Love Sweat Fitness

Love Sweat Fitness Social Media Links

It’s better if you can find a blogger’s personal social media profiles. Still, finding their blog’s official social media page should be good enough for keeping in touch.

3. Start interacting with their posts

Now that you’re following other bloggers in your niche, you should now see their updates on a regular basis. 

Whenever they post about something relevant, see to it that you’re there to interact – the earlier you do, the better.

This will maximize their likelihood of seeing your reaction and your name. 

Just remember to write something meaningful and intriguing when leaving comments. 

Don’t write something generic, like “nice post” or “cool story.” 

That’s a dead-end comment that won’t invite bloggers to react or reply. 

Nomadic Matt Facebook Comments

Ideally, you should make your expertise shine by writing something insightful. 

Ask a question relevant to the topic, supplement the information by giving suggestions, or do both.

This, in turn, will encourage the blogger or influencer to reply, which leads to a conversation.

For example, if a blogger posts something about the best hosting services, you can write a response similar to:

“Great article, you’ve made some solid suggestions there. I personally use WPX Hosting for my blog and it’s been reliable so far in terms of uptime and performance. 

Would you recommend another host over mine, or do you have tips I can use to get better page speeds?”

If possible, provide corrections whenever they cite incorrect or outdated data in a respectful manner. As a professional blogger, they should respond positively to corrections as long as they’re delivered constructively. 

4. Share their posts like crazy

Another way to connect with another blogger through their own social media posts is by sharing. 

Go – share those Facebook posts and re-tweet those tweets. 

If you’re following a long list of bloggers simultaneously, I suggest you read this post on consolidating your feed. 

There, I’ll show you how to use tools like WatcherSpy to get quick updates in one place.

WatcherSpy Feed

Here’s a tip: space out your shares to improve your chances of being noticed.  

For example, if you shared a post at 10 AM, wait until 1 PM before you share another post. 

If you won’t be on your computer all day, consider a social media scheduling tool like Buffer. This will allow you to automate your social media posts at specific times.

Buffer Features

Also, don’t forget to add value to the post by writing a solid description. 

Chip in your thoughts and be honest about what you think. There’s nothing bloggers appreciate more than genuine reactions to their content, especially if they’re coming from another blogger.

5. Join social media groups

You can meet a lot of bloggers in your niche by joining groups on social media.

Again, you can use the search tool on networks like Facebook and LinkedIn to find groups.

Looking for Groups on Facebook

Take note that a lot of groups nowadays require you to fill up an application form. Read their instructions carefully and answer everything to get approved fast. 

Also, try to look specifically for groups that allow members to share their own content. 

Of course, you can still join groups that don’t allow this. However, it’ll be hard for you to find other bloggers since they aren’t allowed to promote their own posts.

Social Media Group Rules

Once you’re in, you can start checking the group’s feed for blog promotions. 

If you joined a group with a lot of members, chances are other bloggers are there to promote their content.

You should already know what to do from there. 

Comment, like, share – do everything to get the other blogger’s attention.

Always remember to let your knowledge and experience show when writing comments. 

Your main objective is to start conversations so other bloggers will get to know you. That’s something you won’t accomplish with generic comments and half-hearted compliments.

6. Comment on their blog posts

Commenting directly on another blogger’s article can have a higher chance of piquing their interest. 

Remember, just because a blogger is popular on Facebook, doesn’t mean they get lots of reactions on their actual blog. In addition, some bloggers are more likely to respond to their blog comments than those on social media. 

Why? Because a healthy comments section can have a positive effect on a website’s SEO and traffic.

Veteran bloggers know that, which is why they prefer getting conversations going on their own websites. 

Neil Patel Responding to his Blog Comments

If you want to comment on a post that already has lots of comments, just reply to a top comment. You can also reply to the blogger’s own comment so they get notified directly.

I also advise looking for blog posts that have little to no comments. Doing so increases your comment’s probability of being seen. 

7. Offer suggestions or corrections to their own blog posts

You know me – I’ve been blogging for over a decade.

One of the things that always put a smile on my face is an email response to my blog post.

Sure, comments are great and all. But emails simply feel more personal, considering they take more effort to make. 

You can do the same by sending an email to a blogger with the title:

RE: [Their Blog Post Title]”

Expressing your appreciation for the content is enough to put you on their radar. If you want to make a lasting impression, provide suggestions or, if possible, corrections to the post in question.

This is a gesture that says you really care about their blog. 

And as a blogger who received the same kind of response from readers, I’m truly grateful for them.

8. Feature them on your own blog

Responding to posts on social media is easy, but it doesn’t always earn you new blogger buddies. 

Don’t be too hard on yourself. 

Keep in mind that you’re probably not the only person reacting to a popular blogger’s posts.

If reaching out through social media isn’t working for you, it’s time to step up your game.

I’m talking about featuring them on your blog.

You don’t have to make the entire article about them. Simply cite something they said, be it on social media or their website, to get their attention.

Some of the things you can mention on your blog are:

  • A case study they conducted
  • A quote from their content
  • Something they tweeted

You can also feature an infographic they published on their blog as long as you formally tell them about it. 

Send them an email that informs them about the infographic and how you intended to use it. Also, reassure them that you can take it down from your blog if they wish.

Here’s an email template you can use for that purpose:

Gmail Content Curation Email

Finally, you can simply link to one of their posts and send them an email about it. The least you can get is a “thank you,” but that still means they now acknowledge your blog.

9. Interview them

I recommend performing this step once you’ve made contact with the other blogger on social media. 

Once your prospect knows who you are and what you do, you can take on a more direct approach.

One of the things you should try is writing an interview post.

I know from experience that an invitation to do an interview is definitely attention-grabbing. In fact, I can still remember the smile on my face when I received that invitation for the BloggersPassion interview. 

My Interview on BloggersPassion

Here are the steps in planning your first interview post: 

  • Look for the right bloggers – Not all bloggers on social media and Google are ideal candidates for an interview. As a tip, look for bloggers who did interviews in the past so they’re more open to the idea.
  • Use their most recent accomplishment as a focal point – When reaching out to a blogger, mention their most recent work to start a conversation. If possible, mention it as one of the topics to be covered in your interview. 
  • Think of the interview’s topics in advance – Speaking of interview topics, be sure to have a complete list before you send your outreach email. Of course, it must align with the expertise of your prospective interviewees. 
  • Plan how you’ll conduct the interview – Conducting interviews face-to-face is the best way to do it, but it’s not always possible. Be sure to plan for all other ways to do the interview, be it on Skype or a phone call. 

After figuring out how you’ll do the interview, you need to send a formal invitation via email.

Let me show you a simple email template you can use as a reference:

Email Outreach Template for Interview Invitations

10. Write a “top bloggers” article

You can get the attention of multiple bloggers at the same time by publishing a list of top bloggers. 

This strategy has a few advantages over writing an interview post.

For one, there’s no need for intense planning since you don’t need permission to include anyone on your list.

Secondly, listicles are really easy to make. 

You don’t even need to think too hard to give your post a title. For example, I wrote a list of lifestyle blogs and called it “50 Best Lifestyle Blogs and Bloggers to Follow.”

Master Blogging Top Bloggers Listicle Example

Writing the article’s main body isn’t really hard, either. 

You just briefly describe each blog or blogger, snap a featured image, and mention the topics they cover. 

What’s important is, you let them know you mentioned them by sending a friendly email.

Just keep your message short and authentic. Something like the template below could work:

Email Template for Top Bloggers Listicle

11. Seal the deal with an expert roundup post

An expert roundup post has a few key differences from a top blogs list.

First of all, you need each blogger’s participation to be included in your roundup. 

Instead of just briefly describing their blog, you need to get their expert input to include in the post. 

Usually, roundup posts start with a question that each expert has to answer. You can look for questions to ask using websites like Quora and AnswerThePublic

Both websites generate a list of questions around a specific keyword. 

AnswerThePublic Results Data View

You can also use Google Trends to come up with new, trending questions you can ask experts. 

Google Trends Related Queries

Once you have your question, creating a roundup post is now all about email outreach. 

You need to send personalized emails addressed to each expert. 

Bear in mind that bloggers get dozens – if not hundreds – of emails each day. One look at your email and they’ll know whether or not it’s based on a generic template.

Here are a few pointers to remember:

  • Get straight to the point – Immediately tell them what your email is about. Let them know that you’re planning an expert roundup post and they’re invited to participate.
  • Introduce who you are – Include a link to your website so the other bloggers know who they’re dealing with. To make your invitation more appealing, it’s also a good idea to mention how much traffic you get. 
  • Let them know what’s in it for them – Tell the experts where you plan to promote the roundup post once it’s done. This reassures them that participating in the roundup will reward them with traffic. 
  • Send clear instructions – Tell them what they should do to participate in the roundup. Don’t ask for too much and make it something they can do in just a few minutes. 

To help you write your outreach email, here’s a template you can borrow inspiration from:

Email Template for Expert Roundup Posts

Here’s another tip: send a follow-up email to each blogger who fails to respond after 48 hours. 

There’s a good chance they’re swamped with blogging work during the time you sent your first email.

Just like before, you need to keep this email short and sweet. 

Something like the template below should be more than good enough.

Email Template for Follow Ups

If you can get other bloggers to participate in an expert roundup post, then congratulations!

That means they already recognize you and your blog’s potential. 

After all, most bloggers won’t spend their precious time on a project that yields no potential traffic. 

12. Attend seminars and other events

Want a surefire way to network with other bloggers in your niche?

If you have the budget and time, consider attending seminars, conferences, and other events – worldwide if possible.

This will give you an opportunity to personally meet with different bloggers and brands in your industry.

In some cases, bloggers will announce if they’ll attend an event on their website. Look out for these announcements so you can plan when and where to go.

Alternatively, you can go to Conference Monkey to look for upcoming events in various industries. 

Conference Monkey

13. Attend virtual events with live Q&A sessions 

If on-site events are inaccessible to you, you can try your luck at virtual events like webinars. 

An advantage of this is that they’re mostly free. You also don’t have to set aside some cash for things like transportation and lodging. 

For the best part, a lot of you probably receive webinar invitations via email from time to time. 

As an example, here’s an invitation to the Digital Marketing Trends for 2021 live panel webinar from HubSpot

HubSpot Virtual Event Invitation

It’s worth mentioning that not all virtual events allow their audience to communicate with either hosts or other attendees. Read the details of the event carefully to make sure you can actually have the opportunity to network there.

14. Start submitting guest posts

Submitting guest posts have a high success rate when it comes to building your relationship with other bloggers.

The catch is, you need to put in the work sending those guest post emails and writing the actual content.

A reliable way to find blogs in your niche that accept guest posts is to use search engine “footprints.” These are key phrases that you’ll find in blogs that openly invite guest post submissions.

Some examples of these footprints are:

  • Submit guest post
  • Guest post by
  • Write for us

For example, if you’re in the home improvement niche, use a keyword like “home improvement blog” along with a footprint.

When choosing a website to submit guest posts to, you can use a tool like SEMrush to check their metrics. Make sure the benefits you can gain in terms of traffic and link value are worth your guest posting efforts.

SEMrush Domain Overview

Found a good website?

You then have to look for their guest posting guidelines, which should be found somewhere on their website. 

Here’s an example from a website called Home Inside:

Home Inside Guest Post Guidelines

Read their guidelines carefully to increase your chances of being approved. 

Once you’re officially a guest contributor, make an effort to submit the best quality posts you can make. 

Remember, your guest post will be visible to their audience and prove your credibility as an information source. 

Don’t blow it.

15. Invite them to guest post

Guest blogging can go both ways. 

If your website is authoritative enough, other bloggers may be interested in submitting guest posts to you. In fact, there’s a chance you already get guest post request emails on a regular basis. 

If not, perhaps you haven’t made a public invitation to potential guest bloggers.

You can do this by publishing your own “Write for Us” page on your blog.

One of my favorite “Write for Us” pages of all time is that from Smashing Magazine – thanks to its design. 

Smashing Magazine Guidelines

To get the ball rolling, you can also invite other bloggers directly by sending them an email. 

Here’s a template you can base your email on:

Guest Post Invitiation Email Template

16. Try becoming their affiliate

Affiliate marketers have a direct line to the brand they promote. 

It’s also my favorite blog monetization strategy, so there’s that. 

You just need to look for blogs with great products that have an affiliate program.

Food Blogger Pro, for instance, is a value-packed online course that bloggers in the food and marketing niches can sell. 

Food Blogger Pro Affiliate Program

Just like with guest blogging footprints, you can use key phrases on Google to look for relevant affiliate programs.

Here are some of the phrases you can use in your query:

  • Affiliate program
  • Work with us
  • Become an affiliate

The better you are at closing affiliate sales, the better your relationship will be with the other blog. That’s a nice reward to have on top of making passive income through commissions. 

17. Become their customer

If you don’t think being their affiliate is the right move, you can try just purchasing their products yourself.

That gives you a compelling reason to send them an email and get a conversation started.

After all, any self-respecting blogger should be more than happy to respond to queries related to their own products. 

Apart from an email, there are probably more ways to connect with other bloggers as a customer. Take a look at their customer support or “Contact Us” page for the full list of options. 

We all know that broken links are bad – not just for SEO, but also for the user experience.

Pointing out broken links on a blogger’s website will surely help you earn their favor. 

And for that, you can use tools like Broken Link Checker from Ahrefs to quickly find broken links in any domain.

Ahrefs Free Broken Link Checker

If you find a broken link, write a simple email that points it out. Make it natural by saying you were casually browsing their blog when you stumbled upon the broken link. 

That should tell them that you were actually reading their blog and clicking on their links.

And if that’s not a good look for you, I don’t know what is. 

19. Network using the Skyscraper Technique 

Experienced bloggers should already be familiar with Brian Dean’s “Skyscraper Technique.”

If not, there’s only a couple of things you should know about it. 

The Skyscraper Technique involves looking for old-but-popular content and writing something significantly better.

It also involves reaching out to potential link sources to present the much-improved content.

That, in turn, will put your blog on the map.

To execute the Skyscraper Technique, start by looking for popular content that could use some improvements. After finding one, use an SEO tool to identify the top blogs that link to it. 

I prefer to use SEMrush’s built-in backlink analytics tool for this.

SEMrush Backlink Analytics Tool

The most challenging part of the Skyscraper Technique is creating something undoubtedly better. 

It has to be an improvement over the original article in every possible way, namely in the following factors:

  • Content accuracy – Does the original content have any outdated facts? What about flat-out wrong or inaccurate information?
  • Visual content – Do you think you can put more visual content than the original post? Which parts of the article can be converted into an infographic?
  • Meaningful content length – Can you write something longer without resorting to fluff? Did the original content miss something important that readers should know?
  • Overall content quality – Is the original post easy to read, or can it be improved? Were there enough subheadings and lists that improve readability?

Lastly, you need to reach out to the same bloggers who linked to the original post. 

Sending a personalized email that explains your intentions is recommended. And to do that, you can draw inspiration from the email below:

Email Template for Skyscraper Technique Outreach

If you did step two well enough, they have every reason to link to your content instead. Not only will it help your rankings, it’ll also further your relationship with those blogs.

But let’s say the other blogger simply doesn’t have the time to update their old post. 

You’ll probably still get a response through email. 

In other words, you may not win a backlink, but at least you made a friend. 

20. Pitch a collaborative project

If you’re pretty confident in your content development skills, you can pitch a collaborative project to get another blog’s attention.

This can be an eBook, webinar, online course, or podcast.

The key here is to pitch collaborative projects you have experience in. That way, you can easily prove that you’re a great brand to work with for similar projects.

Just remember to mention those projects in your email pitch. Better yet, create a list of links that take your prospect directly to them.

Here’s what your email pitch could look like:

Email Template for Collaborative Project Pitch

Sure, a collaborative project takes a ton of time and effort. But if you do it right, it’s your ticket to being a recognized authority in your industry.

21. Tell them about your ad space

Selling custom ad space on your blog is a straightforward way of monetizing your traffic.

You just need plenty of great content and a reliable stream of traffic. Other bloggers should be happy to advertise on your website for a price. 

That also means they’ll be interested in getting to know you and your blog.

To draw the attention of advertisers and would-be friends, you need a media kit or an “advertise with us” page. 

It’s where you highlight metrics that indicate the advertising potential of your website. This includes traffic, user demographics, session duration, and more.

Here is an example from a blog called Tom Thumb Food Stories:

Tom Thumb Food Stories

With your media kit, it’s only a matter of making it visible to the right brands. 

Build links to it, share it on social media, launch an ad campaign – nothing is off the table. 

Of course, you can also promote your offer directly to bloggers via email. To improve your chances of success, create a downloadable media kit and make it the centerpiece of your pitch email.

Golden rules when networking with other bloggers

  • Don’t chase too hard – Make your advances appear as natural as possible by only engaging whenever they post or share something significant. Don’t make a move every single hour, especially if they haven’t done anything particularly important yet.
  • Play the long game – Building a connection with a blogger slowly and steadily is undoubtedly more effective than suddenly flooding their inbox. It’s okay to wait days or weeks to get a response than to be permanently added to their spam list.
  • Don’t forget to build yourself up – As you reach out to bloggers, most of your time should still be invested in growing your personal brand. That will make you a juicier contact to have in the eyes of other bloggers.
  • Know when a target is out of reach – While connecting with the biggest blog in your niche is a huge win, it’s not a realistic goal. Instead, focus on other blogs that only have a slight advantage over you in terms of authority and online reach. 
  • Don’t follow-up immediately – It may be tempting to send follow-up emails as soon as you can. But you must resist this urge unless you really want to annoy your prospects.
  • Don’t be generic – When asking a question or introducing yourself, try to make it as personalized as you can. It must not look template-based in any way at all.  


Ready to make some friends?

With the tips above, you’re well on your way to achieving the popularity your blog deserves. 

Of course, you still need to focus on creating quality content for your blog. You also need a lot of patience, especially if you’re not getting the results you want on your first few attempts. 

But if you stay focused, I promise that you’ll start growing your blogging network very soon. 

If you have any questions, feedback, or suggestions regarding what you read above, don’t forget to comment below. 

Good luck!

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