Digital Marketing Strategies For Growing a Business With SEO
Source : Digital Marketing Strategies For Growing a Business With SEO
Published On : October 20, 2020 at 07:43PM
By : (Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai)
Below you’ll find some quick and clever strategies to optimize and grow your business on your own through SEO, plus check out this source for even more information.
1. Use keywords to your advantage.
You might’ve heard about keywords and the fact is, they’re one of the best ways of getting your business noticed. Including keywords in your URLs and page content is one of the pillars of on-page SEO, as it helps Google rank your page depending on the user’s search intent.
In order to use keywords correctly and efficiently, you need to do a bit of research and figure out what some of the most searched keywords in your specific niche are. Say, for example, that you have a blog about dogs and you want to write an article on dog barking reasons. Including keywords and key phrases like “why dogs bark at night” or “why is my dog barking” will give you better chances of popping up in someone’s search results.
2. Include internal links.
An internal link is when you link your latest page with a past content page, product page, landing page, and so on. In other words, this is basically getting one page of content to direct you to another. This is important for internet ranking because, in order to discover new pages, Google has what is commonly referred to as a “spider” that effectively crawls through internet pages, and whenever it finds an internal link, it follows it, so as to discover new content for its algorithms.
In order to work internal linking to your advantage, you’ll need to stick to a few rules, though:
- Do frequent checks on your linking, in case one of the links might’ve become broken or corrupted, in which case you’ll of course want to remove it;
- Don’t spam internal links. If your 1000-word page has two or three internal links, then that’s usually fine (although do remember that the shorter the content, the fewer the internal links should be). If you’re cramming 10 links into that same content, on the other hand, then that might be considered spamming by the spider and downgrade you.
3. Speed up your website.
Google offers this really nifty tool called the Pagespeed Insight Tool, which allows you to input the URL to your website and then check how fast it is to load (both on desktop and mobile). Obviously, the slower a website, the worse its ranking, because nobody wants to spend 3 minutes just to load a page. Even better, the tool then gives you some tips on how to speed up your page, which might help with your ranking.
4. Mobile-friendliness is next to godliness.
No, seriously. Did you know that over 60% of Google searches now come from mobile devices? This means that even if you have a killer desktop page, you might be ranking poorly if your site isn’t optimized for mobile.
Luckily, Google has a way of helping with that as well! They’ve designed a tool that analyzes your website’s mobile-friendliness and then helps you optimize that so that you retain as many readers as possible.
While SEO can be tricky, there are lots of free or cheap materials out there that can make your journey easier, so take advantage of those!
For More Go to : My Blogger Tricks
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